This holiday season, Titans have the opportunity to step up their dating game with the abundance of events and places to spend time and feel the holiday spirit.
Candy Cane Lane is notorious for the tradition of decorating the houses with so many lights that the whole street seems to glow with holiday spirit.
People all over San Diego County come with their family and friends to see this beautifully decorated street.
Candy Cane Lane, has many places to take adorable couple photos with clever backgrounds. From elegant snowy archways to fun blow-ups of classic Christmas characters, Candy Cane Lane has it all.
“We just walked around looking at all the lights and taking pictures. and there was a house doing Christmas karaoke and some giving out hot chocolate so we did that too” sophomore Maddie Sparrow said.
Another place that is good for a date is Poway Ice Arena, Ice skating is a fun activity to do and many funny stories come from the clumsiness of high schoolers on the rink. Also since winter is Poway is nonexistent, ice skating indoors is always available no matter the weather.
“It was fun figuring it out and winging it. For the most part we just tried to learn how to skate at all. It’s a nice date because it puts you both in the same situation.” sophomore Donald Mowry said
In a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies, or any Christmas movies in general, ice skating is seen as the romantic moment between the featured couple.
The movies affect real life by bringing over the romantic vibe and the dreamy setting when skating with a loved one.
After the cold of walking around Candy Cane Lane and the ice of the rink, sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee seems like a dream come true.
The Coffee Bean and Kings Craft in Poway are the best coffee shops to go to in the winter season because they are decorated for the season and are not crowded like Starbucks. The the coffee is absolutely amazing as well.
“Although it’s a super simple date, the warm and inviting atmosphere the shop creates allows both parties to feel comfortable talking and getting to know one another better,” senior Maddie Marciniak said.
Every holiday surprise in Poway is a great place for a date. Make this season memorable and fun by exploring the holiday wonders this city has to hold.