Off-roll to shrink in 2024-2025 school year

Students use off roll periods to give them time to work on assignments, go to work or to simply catch a break from the fast-paced school day. Seniors often float around with two off-rolls in at least one trimester of the school year. However, new guidelines have tightened the use of off rolls, and in future school years, administrators will limit the number of off-rolls students can take.
Earlier this school year, parents were sent an email stating if their student wants to maintain their off-roll, they would need to sign a piece of paper clearing them from a class.
This will be the case for any number of off-rolls students choose to take.
“If a student wants to take two off-rolls in a trimester, there has to be a valid reason why, and it has to fall under a couple categories like having a job or an internship. It can’t just be that you don’t want to be here,” counselor Karly Wardwell said.
This is not a decision that was made up entirely by Poway Unified School District (PUSD); this is a state law. According to California Code, Education Code – EDC § 47612.5, students from grades nine to 12 have to be in school for a minimum of 64,800 minutes and “at least 80 percent of the instructional time offered by the school shall be at the school site, and the school shall require the attendance of all pupils for whom a classroom-based apportionment is claimed at the school site for at least 80 percent of the minimum instructional time required.”
Having two off-rolls violates the 80 percent of instructional time, however one off-roll does not.
Ultimately, administrators had to adjust off-rolls because PUSD was audited by the state.
“We were told we need to go back to what is expected. It is all about making sure students are provided with a proper amount of education,” Principal Richard Nash said.
For student athletes, only having three class could be a challenge. In order to participate in sports, students must be in school for at least three quarters of the school day. Having two off-rolls violates that standard.
Instead of an extra off roll, admin will require students to pick an elective that cultivate their interests.
Although not the purpose, according to Nash, restricting off-rolls can allow students to graduate early.