Athletes not allowed to play all their sports

CIF limiting students to playing one sport at a time.

With this year’s modified sports schedule, many two-sport and tri-sport athletes won’t be able to participate in all of their sports. In years past, students could play up to three sports each school year, but this year students are limited to one.. However, in some instances coaches are permitting their players to participate in more than one sport at the same time.

Sports that are permitted to play in the purple tier have already begun, but some students are not allowed to participate in two sports within the purple tier. This eliminates the chance of cross contamination between teams. 

“We cannot have you participate in two sports for cross contamination purposes. If there is a covid case both teams would have to quarantine,” varsity swim coach Michelle Ford said. 

Alexis Burg had to choose between her swim season or water polo season this year.“I definitely think I am missing out on some of the high school experience and not being able to see all my friends. I can’t attend both of my sports this year, so I am not able to reach my full potential,” junior water polo player and swimmer Alexis Burg said. 

With colleges scouting for scholarships, this will be a difficult decision for athletes who wish to play a sport in college. 

Some athletes are permitted to play two sports at the same time if their coach allows it, such as junior James Wagenseller who is playing soccer and football at the same time. 

“It’s great that we’re able to play our sports this year, it’s a necessity for us athletes. Not just a necessity for us mentally but for our hopes to get into college,” Wagenseller said.

Overall, this year’s sports schedules are much different than previous years. The rules were put in place to make sure athletes are safe while still having opportunities.