Teachers Expect Video Cameras On


Online school has brought many unexpected changes to how classrooms operate. One key difference is that rather than seeing everyone in person, we now can only see each other through our computer screen. This unique circumstance brought forth a few problems, such as the debate around video cameras, and whether or not they should always be on. Some teachers expect every student to show their videos, but some students are uncomfortable with sharing their videos. This has caused much controversy betweens students, parents, and staff. 

It can be considered an invasion of privacy, since one’s home is their own personal private life, so being forced to show that privacy could make some people uneasy. Students may be uncomfortable showing themselves or their background for the whole class to see.

Teachers argue being on camera increases participation, but students can still easily participate in class through their microphones and the chat options. Students should be encouraged to use these options more frequently in order to increase participation.

Another argument is that it can help prevent cheating during exams, however it does not eliminate cheating as only so much information can be gathered from a video camera. Additionally, In every class I have been in, tests don’t occur everyday, so this is not a valid reason to require video cameras to be on.

Videos are distracting. If a classmate is doing something, such as talking to parents, with their camera on, it is very distracting and focuses attention away from the teacher. Additionally, I have found myself worrying about how I look on my own camera rather than the teacher’s lesson.

Video cameras do have some benefits but I believe they should not be required. This way, if students choose to show their video, then they are acknowledging the invasion of privacy and are comfortable with it. If students choose not to show their video but are still participating, then no harm is done.