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The Student News Site of Poway High School

The Student News Site of Poway High School

The Iliad

The Student News Site of Poway High School

The Iliad

Dive into aquatics

Kale Fletcher
Junio Connor Liddle does a pike dive into the Poway High School pool.

Diving into the world of aquatic competition, junior Connor Liddle competed in his third state championship at Clovis West High School, May 9th-11th making it to the finals. Liddle placed 17th with a score of 443.7 in the 1-meter dive.

Liddle was first introduced to diving his freshman year here, soon enough he would discover diving to be a lasting passion.

Liddle began to have great intrinsic motivation for the sport, spending lots of time improving his technique. “Connor is very dedicated to diving, practicing every week on his own, he also practices year-round with his club, Crown Valley Divers,” dive coach Michelle Ford said. 

Liddle has improved greatly since he first started. He has committed himself to club diving to get the most out of training. 

“Connor drives almost two hours after school daily to get practice because he’s surpassed the level of the other coaches in this area,” junior Benjamin Stone said.

Not only is Liddle a natural diver, but he’s a very positive and driven individual. “Connor puts forth lots of effort and determination and always has a positive attitude at practice,” Liddle’s diving coach Makenna Sammons said.

Liddle has taken to the club environment suitably, fitting in with both his teammates and the level of competition.“My favorite part about the club environment is hanging out with my team and coach,” Liddle said.

Liddle is constantly improving himself every day, and he plans on continuing his diving career in college. He is currently talking to schools about scholarships relative to diving.

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