Posting on the internet without thinking of how it will come back to haunt you will be a constant problem. Understanding the risks of doing so is essential for a successful experience on social media.
An example of what seems like a harmless Instagram account @ptownalmostfriday was created last year and has been posted to students at Poway High. Although the posting is supposed to be consensual, some students send in photos that are highly inappropriate and will be on Instagram for anyone to see. In one of them, a student was on the toilet, nude.
As teenagers, we tend to think we are untouchable and can breeze through our current lives with no consequences. It is crucial to note that although we won’t be teenagers forever, the internet is infinite, which means what we put out there will forever be floating around.
What about college admissions?
If you apply to colleges or jobs nowadays, your social media and what shows up when your name is googled can influence whether or not you are accepted. To me, a vital step to prevent this is to proceed with caution when posting on social media platforms.
I would never want one mistake I made on the internet to define my reputation. One wrong saying, wrong gesture, wrong meaning to define who people see me as. You can try to delete it, but the internet is a black hole that no one can escape from once sucked in.
With the demand for social media in today’s world comes the advances in technology. A simple post with your house in the background can leave you vulnerable to unwanted visitors.
It’s beneficial to note that there are options like private accounts that can give social media users more power over who is looking at what you post. But, there is always the possibility of someone trusted screenshotting and reposting.
One recent example of digital footprint that startled me was when I posted a TikTok with my best friend and in the video, you could see my feet. When I opened the app, I checked my notifications and saw that someone had commented “feet” which seemed like no big deal, but I ended up blocking them in fear that they would continue the odd comments.
Being aware of what we post and that anyone with access to a phone is capable of seeing is a lesson that people of all ages, especially those growing up with devices should understand before posting on the internet, as it may come back to haunt them in the future.