CIF Update: Sports Are Back!
Students, parents, and teachers around San Diego county and the state of California have wanted students to be able to return back to playing their sports due to the importance of students mental and physical health and well-being.
As of Jan. 25, the CIF allowed sports to resume and some sports to begin play based on the tier system put in place by the California Department of Public Health and Governor Gavin Newsom’s office.
Under the purple tier, sports such as cross country, golf, skiing/snowboarding, swim and dive, tennis, and track and field can begin competitions.
In the red tier, baseball, field hockey, girls lacrosse, and softball will be allowed to play.
In the orange tier football, lacrosse, gymnastics, volleyball, soccer, waterpolo, and badminton begin playing.
In the last tier, the yellow, we will see basketball, wrestling, and competitive cheerleading begin competitions.
Sports are still allowed to practice even if they are not yet in the tier that allows them to begin playing games. Currently sports such as football, are allowed to practice under strict protocols laid out by the CDPH, Newsom, and the CIF. These protocols include only physical conditioning, training, and skill-building practices that can happen outdoors if students keep and maintain 6-feet apart, wear a mask, and sanitize within stable cohorts if authorized by the county, school district, and school.
The CIF has also granted, as of February 10, that students who play two or more sports may compete in all their sports at the same time under Bylaws 600-605. This means students who want to play the sports they play within high school and outside of high school are allowed to. The only exception to this Bylaw is football in which students can’t play high school football and compete in club football.