Titans’ take on AP Tests

In an ongoing effort to flatten the curve and prevent further spreading of COVID-19, schools nationwide have been closed. With distance learning being the only option, a common concern amongst students is how Advanced Placement (AP) exams would take place.

According to College Board, after surveying 18,000 AP students they concluded that AP exams would still occur. According to College Board’s announcement, AP exams would be only 45 minutes and taken at home and online. 

Primary testing was May 11-22 and the make-up testing was June 1-5. There was a large range of thoughts and opinions about the tests.

“Towards the end of the test, I was so focused on the writing that I forgot to check the time. Luckily, I happened to check the time at the last minute and quickly submitted my DBQ. What a relief!”
-Sophomore Ljosha Kremliovsky
“The first time I took my AP test.I had trouble submitting my work. I was very upset because I worked hard, and it seemed like all my effort was wasted. I had to take the makeup test, and I feel like it went well. Even though it took two tries, I am glad I’m finished with testing.”
-Sophomore Katie O’Connell
“My APEC test went really well, considering the time limit, but the timer on my AP Spanish Language exam was not helpful and caused me to get confused.”
-Sophomore Razanne Mihtar
“I think my AP tests went well overall, however the fact that my entire score is determined by a 45 minute, two question exam scares me a lot.”
-Senior Talia Schauder