Monster and Red Bull are two of the most popular drinks out there.

There are many minor differences between the two that make people prefer one over the other.  For one Monster’s can size is sixteen ounces and Red Bull is served in a twelve ounce can.  Monster energy has a whopping  54 grams of sugar compared to Red Bull only has 37 grams. thus giving Monster a sweeter taste.  The caffeine level in both drinks is extremely high.

Monster tops it off with a massive 89 milligrams of caffeine and Red Bull has 111miligrams. In comparison, an average cup of coffee has 95 milligrams.

There is also a minor price difference that sets apart the two products.  Monster energy drink sells for around three dollars while Red Bull can sell for almost five dollars per can.

Many Titans prefer Red Bull over Monster because Red Bull is faster to drink.  “In my opinion I like Red Bull better because its faster to drink due to the size of the bottle and it makes me feel alive” senior Ryan Carlson Said.  Carlson is not the only titan that prefers red bull.  Many Titans also think Red Bull tastes better “Red Bull simply tastes better than monster” Junior Teryn Correa states .

Many Titans have conflicting views on these two drinks but they both give the person drinking it tons of energy.

Freshmen Tyler Book likes Monster better because “ better” than Red Bull.  Personally, I do not really prefer one over the other.  If I had to choose one drink over the other I would have to go with Monster because I like the taste better.  Topic will always be a hot one.