As a student puts in their headphones to drown out the noise of surrounding chatter from students, they can still hear the conversations around them. They reread the question on their computer screen for the third time trying to complete the assignment but still can’t seem to focus. The bell rings. Their assignment was due at the end of that class. It will now be counted as late and the student will lose points.
Due date times for assignments are more important than some teachers may realize. Especially if they have a strict late work policy. Having assignments due at the end of the period or even school day keeps students from being able to do their best on assignments.
We understand that teachers make specific deadlines to encourage students to do work during class, but there are some of us that are unable to work as well in a classroom environment rather than at home. From surrounding conversations to music playing out of the teacher’s speakers, or peers asking you questions, there are many in-class distractions.
In addition, a ticking time clock and the feeling of having to rush to finish the assignment in class can lead to students not effectively completing their work but instead just rushing to get something done.
A deadline at the end of the day, 11:59 pm, allows students to work on assignments at their own pace once they get home. It then becomes the students’ responsibility to effectively time manage, and not battle against the distractions of a busy classroom.
Unless there is a substitute teacher and a small task is given, teachers should allow their students the rest of the day to focus on their work in their own environment.