In the last year and a half administrators, ASB, alumni, the foundation, and PTA worked with a design company and team to create and refine artwork that is now up around campus.
They were inspired by the new logo and “the need to unify what we already have around campus,” Principal Richard Nash said.
It all started with the new branding; Poway’s new logo. The “P” in Poway was redesigned last year, and they are working to slowly reinforce the new “P.”
Poway is only in the beginning of the first phase of this project. They have painted murals above the library, student store, Titan museum, cafeteria, N-building entrance, stairs, front of the school, on and around the Titan stadium and campus.
Instead of having a variety of fonts and colors, the designs were created to bring one overall theme to the school.
Phase two will include banners on light poles in the parking lots and a windscreen facing the student parking lot. The entire cost of phase one and two of the remodel was paid for by ASB. Money was put into a bank account a long time ago and over time the money matured to a sum that the school is able to utilize for remodeling according to Principal Richard Nash.
Assistant Principal Mike Gizzo is excited for the unveiling of the re-branding and “hopes it will help build community on campus, and pride in what it means to be a Titan,” Gizzo said.