When students want a new look, fast fashion is not the answer because of the waste it creates and the often unethical treatment of workers overseas, so if not fast fashion, what?
Up cycling is a great outlet for making wearable pieces of art that are personalized, sewing can be hard, and fabric can get expensive, so improving upon an existing piece makes up cycling fast and fun.
“I up cycle clothes because it’s cheap and I like to use my creativity to improve clothes I thrift,” senior Lily Johnson said. Johnson finds a lot of value in up cycling clothes.
This is worth the effort it takes to alter clothes, and according to senior Camille Franks, “you don’t need a sewing machine. You can hand sew. It’s pretty simple. You can really elevate a piece, and it’s all very cheap,” Franks said.
Franks often up cycles her clothes, the act of making changes to an existing piece of clothing, and was taught to sew by her grandmother. Fashion Club President senior Bianka Oropeza often searches for clothing that can be styled to fit popular trends. “Have a swap meet with your friends, or if it’s ok with them, check your parent’s closets,” Oropeza said.
Another way to avoid the impulse to buy fast fashion is to keep existing clothes looking new longer.
There are many ways to keep your closet fresh, and eco-friendly and keep up with the trends while not breaking the bank. Being mindful as a consumer is a great place to start.
In general terms a mindful consumer is one who buys clothes that they will appreciate and last them for a long time. Mindful consumers cater to their own style, buying pieces that make them feel good, so they aren’t only buying into a trend.
In addition, if an item no longer fits, it is quite easy to alter clothes.
“I am short, so a lot of pants are too long, and I will alter them to be shorter,” senior Avery Martineau said.
An important rule of thumb is when mindful consumers buy new clothes, they make sure to take care of them properly.
“Treat your clothes, the way you want to be treated— gently and respectfully,” Martineau said. Washing in smaller loads, with cold water, are great ways to increase their longevity.
Keeping fashion sustainable
Ginger Kondzela, Staff writer
May 24, 2024
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About the Contributor
Ginger Kondzela, In-Depth Editor
Ginger Kondzela is the in-depth editor for The Iliad, passionate about languages and semi-bilingual in French. She was an exchange student in France and founded the International Students Club at Poway High School. A 12-year Girl Scout, she aims to pursue a degree in international business in Spain, the Czech Republic, or Germany.