With bright smiles and decorated welcoming signs, seniors Sienna Ficco and Rory Kim helped welcome the Garden Road Elementary students back to school.
Every year a select few exemplary seniors are chosen to represent our campus in the community, school events, and fundraising. Titan Ambassadors are very involved with community appearances and helping out with surrounding events like the Poway Rodeo and the Poway Fall Festival.
To be accepted to this year-long commitment is a feat on its own. Applicants have to embody the six pillars of character traits; responsibility, citizenship, respect, trustworthiness, caring and fairness towards others, and send in applications to be considered by a group of teachers in a blind read. Those accepted are then run through stations with questions and then evaluated to be chosen.
Aaron Jaffe has been in charge of Titan Ambassadors for two years now and like last year, he looks forward to “getting to know the new Titan Ambassadors… and being able to see just how diverse they are in their activities and personalities.”
At the elementary and middle schools, Titan Ambassadors are not only there to welcome them to school, but to also help out with getting the kids active in fun activities like Fun Runs.
Ficco, who is involved with volleyball and track inside school,describes her favorite part of being an ambassador is “the bond I have with other ambassadors and being able to make connections with everyone in our community.”
Kim says that to him being an ambassador means “being a positive example that others can look to, and being that light that represents what Poway High is all about.” He is looking forward to “all of the events to come because they all offer something fun or challenging.”