Yearbook and Newspaper print the school year

Meeting the deadline: Iliad top editors Jonny Richardson, Mandy Edwards, Autumn Zusman, and Miah Garcia, finish up the April issue. Iliad/ Gabe Stamat

It is almost that time of year for students to get their yearbook and see the final edition of this year’s Iliad. Time to take a deeper dive into the behind the scenes of creating the yearbook and Iliad.
From the first day of classes to the last day of exams, these publications aim to capture it all.
The yearbook and newspaper are more than just a collection of photographs and articles, they are a reflection of all of the events that happened through the months. The last edition of the Iliad will arrive May 26, the Friday before yearbook distribution on May 30.
“Although I had to sacrifice a lot of time, effort and Wednesday mornings to create all the amazing books we have today, I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Yearbook Editor-in-Chief Kailyn Deno said.
The yearbook editors’ goal is to capture memories and preserve them for readers in June and in future decades. “All of us put all this time and effort into it, and honestly it’s worth it to see for all the photographers and editors in this class,” photo editor Kevin Flores Witine said.
There is a sense of history. “I like to include a lot of content that a lot of students can look back on and remember the year,” editor Isabella Hoerr said.
Looking back on the yearbook years later can help alumni reminisce. On the other hand, the newspaper covers the events as they occur instead of just a recap.
“We have to inform the masses on the craziness that’s happening in the world,” Iliad staff writer Ned Riddle said.
“It’s really cool to have all your hard work printed out for the rest of the school and the community to see,” Iliad Editor-in-Chief Amanda Edwards said.
Yearbook distribution begins May 30 after school in the drama room. There will be a morning distribution Wednesday, May 31 8:45 to 9:30. Yearbooks are still available to purchase while supplies last in the Finance Office and in the PUSD Community Webstore.
The last issue of the Iliad, including the Senior Exodus, hits classrooms May 26.