Lawyers of Poway
Mock trial starts their trials
Sienna Van Heiunsbergen (left), Isabella Myers (middle), Merri-Ann Pham (right) at the Mock Trial
After stopping during the pandemic, Mock Trial returned this year. The club members get an opportunity to go through a trial with a fake scenario and a real judge. This club lets students test if they really like the field of law.
“I’m prosecutor attorney #1 so I direct and cross-examine witnesses at trial. My favorite part of mock trial is the feeling you get when you just cornered a witness into admitting what you were trying to get them to admit,” junior Isabella Myers said “It’s a great feeling to have just proved a prominent point in the courtroom. I am definitely considering a career as a criminal prosecutor or a civil litigator,” she added.
So far they have had one trial on Feb.15 at a courtroom downtown with a school where the trial was about an assault and robbery.
“I am a prosecution trial attorney, so I give the opening statement and examine two witnesses,” senior Hailey Milgazo said.
I actually do want to be a lawyer, specifically an attorney who advocates/prosecutes for victims of abuse. The best part about practices is being able to work with actual attorneys and being able to receive quick feedback,” she said. Practices are typically an hour long and members discuss key elements of the case they were given. As they get closer to the competitions, they shift to creating and practicing arguments and examination questions.
Prosecution witness junior Sienna Van said that “the best part of mock trial is that we get to learn about the process of law and how to be more successful in the courtroom. Mock trial truly gives students an idea of what law encompasses and it has helped me realize I want to pursue a career in this field,” Van said.