News in brief: college workshops and visits and Homecoming

College workshops:

During the month of October, college workshops will happen in K-1 during homeroom periods:

UC colleges on Oct. 3,

Cal State Universities on Oct. 7, 

Common App 101 on Oct. 10,

Community college on Oct. 14. 

To sign up, go to the Poway High website and click on counseling, college/career, and college workshops. 

“Seniors need to know how to complete the applications.This is important information to know ” Counselor Technician Jamie Brown said. 




Dancing through the decades, the Homecoming theme, was revealed Friday Sep. 2 at the pep rally. Homecoming will be on Oct. 1 at the Air and Space Museum from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets for the dance start at $40 dollars and increase by five dollars each week $55 

 Leading up to homecoming is spirit week, which is decade themed, along with the airbands. Seniors are representing the 80’s, juniors have the 50’s, sophomores have the 70’s, and freshman have the 60’s. These fun dances can be seen at the homecoming pep rally on Sept. 29, and at the homecoming game on Sep. 30.