Peru to Poway
Mrs. Gore talks about new librarian job

From working in Peru to helping elementary schoolers, librarian Lisa Gore had an interesting career before landing at Poway High School.
“I was looking for a librarian job, and they’re very hard to find, and this one popped up, and thankfully I interviewed with Theresa Bonafede, and it all worked out,” Gore said.
This is Gore’s first year in the Poway district.. She worked in Texas public schools, as well as High Tech High. She also worked in Peru for five years.
“I usually have taught younger students, so elementary, so that’s one big change. And two, the fact that they have a full functioning large library for 2,000 plus students is pretty amazing,” Gore said.
Students are excited to have Gore in the library. “She’s really helpful. She was very polite, and asked me if I needed help finding a book. She makes small talk and is just nice to be around,” sophomore Danica Dean said.
Library technician Theresa Bonafede would agree. “We kind of feed off of each other’s energy, and we both enjoy the students and get excited about what we can plan for activities and engage with the students here. We’re excited for what we might do in here,” Bonafede said.
Gore is looking forward to celebrating the holidays of different cultures and ensuring representation of all students on campus. She is excited for all of the opportunities and growth.
In addition to the new librarian, the library is preparing for a remodel. Bonafede said that she and Gore are redesigning the library to make it more welcoming and cozy. “We want it to be a safe space for students to enjoy being in here and a place to decompress when life gets hard, whatever way that is,” Bonafede said.
Gore said she’s excited to help redesign the library with Bonafede, as well as expand the collection of books. “I think just continuing adding books to the collection to represent all students and to offer different activities and spaces for all voices,” Gore said.