Graduation´s Back On

It’s hot out; the weather app said it would get up to 90 degrees today. But even though everyone is sweating underneath the green coat, everyone holds their head up high. Classmates all sit around anticipating when their name is called and must strut to the principal. Then the diploma is handed to them, at the moment, they have been waiting for their whole high school life.

The Class of 2020 had a virtual/drive-through graduation that was ingenious for its time, considering the pandemic had just started. And while they may have had a senior year, things have not been so kind to the Class of 2021. 

“I feel like I lost a year of fun with my friends,” senior Fatima Habib said, noting that she has only been able to see one or two of her friends all year long. “This was supposed to be the year where we got to do so many things together as a graduating class.”

 Despite the challenging year, seniors will be able to receive their diplomas in person, closing the chapter of this season of their life.

A ton of thought has been put into this decision; the Poway High Staff has decided to have in-person graduation in the Titan Stadium on June 18. Along with the graduation ceremony, the school is also planning other senior-related activities. 

The decision has been made due to the San Diego Country coming into the Orange Tier. This allows Poway High to host an event with 33% capacity, which includes graduation. Because of the limited capacity room, only 4 people are allowed to come per family, but this number could change depending on CDC guidelines according to Administrative Assistant Susie Warriner. Families will be six feet apart, and masks will be required for all who attend. 

Seniors attending are expected to dress nicely; the attire underneath should be dressy. No other academic regalia will be permitted other than the cap and gown provided by Jostens.

 According to Warriner, “Leis and other forms of adornment will not be allowed as part of the caps and gowns when students are admitted to the facility and staging area.” There will be a mandatory rehearsal for the graduation at 8 a.m. on June 17.  

Other senior-centered activities in the works include a grad night planned for June 17 at Boomers.“I was worried about not having a graduation, but it looks like Poway pulled through,” senior Elan Nguyen said. She’s planning on attending all the senior events, including the graduation,  to get a chance to hang out with her friends.