“I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, and children I kill to get it.” The vigilante known as Peacemaker has recently received his own show on HBO Max. The character, played by John Cena, first appeared in the 2021 movie The Suicide Squad. Now Cena stars in his own major show that shows what happens to the character after the movie ends.
The series will have eight episodes in its first season. It is a very comedic show and features a lot of great performances from good actors like Freddie Stroma playing Vigilante and Chukwudi Iwuji playing Clemson Murn.
Peacemaker was raised by a mercenary to become a trained killer. However, he is very childish and not serious when he needs to be. The show focuses on him fighting his morality and not wanting to kill anymore after being a killer his whole life.
The main villain in the show is an alien species named the Butterflies. They take over human hosts and kill them internally. Peacemaker is sent by Viola Davis playing the character Amanda Waller who is the main bad guy in The Suicide Squad movie. He is sent on a private mission to take care of these alien species.
Cena surprisingly shows many emotions throughout his performance of the character. This surprised many people as it is his first big role that people care about. He shows he can do a comedic yet serious and sad role all at once.
The show is full of chaos such as a gorilla who can talk like a human getting slayed by a chainsaw. It is absurd on many levels but so fun that it makes the unrealistic things laughable.
So far it continues to impress with many calling it one of the best superhero projects of the year. This is good publicity for DC since they usually celebrated less Peto their rival Marvel. Personally, I am a Marvel fan, but this is also one of my favorite shows out right now. It is highly enjoyable and a great watch.