From competing in cross country and track races, MCing pep rallies, doing morning announcements, to just walking around campus in green and gray Senior Class President Jake Murray is always showing his Titan Pride and getting involved with school.
Murray is the team captain for both the track and cross country distance squads. He is dedicated to running and has lettered in both cross country and track each year he participated. “ I am super focused in track and running and am definitely looking to run at the next level in college,”Murray said. With Covid-19, communicating with coaches has been difficult but he says he has been talking to a few about opportunities and scholarships for continuing his running career in college.
One of the biggest ways he is involved with school is through student government. He joined ASB his sophomore year and has been loving being involved ever since. “I joined after freshman year just because I saw how much fun it was through some of my friends and the upperclassmen,” he said.
Murray thinks of himself as someone who can express and project his voice and communicate well with others, which he said are crucial attributes needed to be a good leader.
“He’s very organized and hardworking, very welcoming and an overall good-minded person.” His fellow ASB member Asia Tano-Aicher said
Murray always enjoys planning big events, including school dances, pep rallies, spirit days and club rush. He also works on culture weeks such as No Place for Hate Week and Start with Hello Week.
He said with Covid-19 and everything having to be distanced, ASB keeps having to cross things off what they cannot do, and a lot of events they can not plan at all. “We know just as the rest of the student body knows some events aren’t the same virtually as in person,”Murray explained. MORP and homecoming, dances that usually happen within the first three months of school were not able to happen this year. ASB does not know if or when they will be able to re-plan these events.
There are many disappointments,but Murray is optimistic. “ I’m really looking forward to not only going back to school but making it such a big thing and making that second half of the year so fulfilling that it feels like an entire year,”he said.
Murray wants Titans to know “ there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel and as Titans we must be optimistic.”